
If you’ve ever lifted something and thought, “Uh oh… my back”, I feel your pain. When it happened to me, I didn’t realize how important it is to engage your core when lifting—or even how to do it! Learning to engage your core isn’t just about avoiding back pain. It’s also a crucial tool for...
Stretching is one of the best things you can do for your body—but are you getting the most out of it? Your time is precious, so if you’re taking the time to stretch, you’ll want to make sure it’s effective (and safe!). My video “10 Stretching Mistakes That Are Holding You Back” will help you...
This relaxing routine will help you release tension in your lower back. Since tightness in the legs and hips often contributes to lower back pain we’ll gently stretch them as well as our back. You’ll need a yoga strap or something similar handy, so once you’ve got that, let’s get started!
If you want to stay in the Christmas spirit but also could use a moment to unwind and release tension, my new Christmas Stretch video is perfect for you! You’ll enjoy soothing stretches set to relaxing holiday music—by the glow of the Christmas tree. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season! Amy...
In this video, I’ll guide you through a simple, effective, and incredibly relaxing chest-opening stretch to release tension built up from long hours at the computer.
When you get home from a walk, it’s tempting to head straight for the couch. But if you can hold off for just 10 minutes and do a quick stretch first, your body will thank you big time.
If you were sitting at your desk and someone tapped you on the shoulder and whispered “Remember to breathe” that would be pretty weird… Breathing happens naturally, you certainly don’t need a reminder. (Also, where did they come from and why are they whispering!?) However something funny happens once exercise and stretching gets involved. People...
Planks are such a popular exercise for one main reason: they are extremely effective. They strengthen your core as well as some supporting muscles in your upper and lower body. However for them to be effective they need to be done properly! I previously wrote a blog about 5 common mistakes to look out for,...
With so many types of yoga and instructors with various teaching styles, you could try several classes and find they are all quite different. However, I’d still be willing to bet you’d come across a few common poses! Today I’m focusing on four foundational standing poses and have outlined the benefits, proper technique, and common...
Are your hips in need of some release? I have just the stretch for you. The best part? It can be done in various positions—sitting on a chair, on the floor, lying down, or standing—so you can choose what feels best for you. While many stretches target the hips, the ones I’ve selected also focus...
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