Curious About Trying Yoga? Here Are Three Tips Before You Start

Getting started with something new can often feel overwhelming, and yoga is no exception. For one thing, there are so many options, from online to in-person classes and various styles.. where do you even begin?!

In addition to this, there’s often a perception of exclusivity with yoga—poses with unfamiliar names and the notion that extreme flexibility is required. All of this can lead someone curious about trying yoga to hesitate or rethink their decision. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Below are my top three pieces of advice for anyone wanting to try yoga for the first time.

1) Don’t Give Up After One Class

If you try a yoga class and don’t enjoy it, don’t immediately write off yoga altogether. “Yoga” is quite a general term, which encompasses many different styles and teaching approaches. So if the first class didn’t resonate with you, it might not be yoga itself you didn’t like, but rather that particular style, or the instructor’s way of teaching.

Just like you don’t automatically click and become friends with everyone you meet, you won’t necessarily connect with every yoga instructor you come across either! It’s perfectly normal to have varying preferences, so keep an open mind and be willing to explore other classes and instructors. You might just find the perfect fit!

2) Find The Right Style Of Yoga For You

Even if you aren’t yet familiar with the diverse world of yoga, start by asking yourself what you hope to achieve by practicing yoga. I’ve found there are three general reasons people typically want to start yoga: 

  1. To improve flexibility and enhance their range of motion
  2. To unwind, slow down and release stress
  3. To challenge themselves physically and get a good workout

Of course, it is possible you may want to achieve all of these, or something entirely different. However deciding your main motivation, and sharing it with the yoga studio or instructor can help them point you in the right direction.

3) Understand That Beginner Classes Can Vary

Just as “yoga” is a broad term, the word “beginner” can be as well. If you’ve never stepped onto a yoga mat before then you would certainly be a beginner, right? However, even someone who has been attending weekly classes for several months may still consider themselves a beginner, even with some experience under their belt. 

So it’s worth noting that beginner classes can vary in their content and approach depending on what range of the “beginner” spectrum that class is targeted towards. 

For example, there’s a big difference between an instructor casually mentioning a beginner-friendly pose like “Warrior 2,” assuming participants are familiar with it, and an instructor carefully guiding each step of the pose as if it’s entirely new.

That’s why if you are a complete beginner, it’s good practice to let the instructor know. This allows them to gauge the appropriate level of detail required in their instructions, ensuring that you won’t be left feeling lost during the class.

Additionally, many studios offer courses designed specifically for those entirely new to yoga. This can be an incredibly helpful way to begin as you’ll get in-depth explanations throughout, allowing you to feel confident moving forward in your yoga journey. 

Beginning your yoga journey should be an exciting and fulfilling experience. Embrace the wide range of options that yoga has to offer, be patient with yourself, and remember to keep an open mind. By applying these tips, you’ll be able to determine whether yoga (and what specific style) is right for you and your goals!

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